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Cow's Milk Intolerance - Medline Abstracts (downloaded 20-May-95)
TI- Quantitative estimation of cellular infiltration of the small
intestinal mucosa in children with cow's milk and gluten intolerance.
AU- Kaczmarski M; Lisiecka M; Kurpatkowska B; Jastrzebska J
JN- Acta Med Pol; 30 (3-4) p129-39
PY- 1989
AB- Quantitative estimation of the infiltration by intraepithelial
lymphocytes and eosinophils of the mucosa was carried out in 21
children with cow's milk and 35 children with gluten intolerance.
Before dietary treatment, a statistically significant increase in the
infiltration by LIE in children with milk intolerance to the mean value
of 34.1 cells and in children with gluten intolerance to 39.0 cells was
found, what statistically significantly differed from the mean value of
LIE for the control group (19.0 cells/100 epithelial cells). The
eosinophilic infiltration in this phase of the disease was noted in 38%
of children with cow's milk intolerance (16.9 cells/mm2) and in 27% of
children with gluten intolerance (28.6 cells/mm2). After 8-24 months of
elimination diets--a decrease in the mean value of the LIE infiltration
in the mucosa was revealed in both treated groups.
TI- The contribution of some constitutional factors to the development of
cow's milk and gluten intolerance in children.
AU- Kaczmarski M; Kurzatkowska B
CS- Department of Children's Infectious Diseases, Medical Academy in
BiaLystok, Poland.
JN- Rocz Akad Med Bialymst; 33-34 p167-76
PY- 89 1988
AB- The role of some constitutional factors in the development of cow's
milk and gluten intolerance among hospitalized children was the subject
of analysis made by the authors. The patients were hospitalized at the
Clinic of Infectious Diseases of Children during 1973-1982. The age of
45 children varied from 5 months to 5 years (gluten intolerance group)
and of 50 children it amounted to from 2 months to 5 years (cow's milk
intolerance group). In 34% of the family members of the children with
milk intolerance and in 4.4% of the family members of the children with
gluten intolerance the symptoms of this trait were found. Coeliac
disease was observed in 13.3% of the family members of the gluten
intolerance group of children and 10.8% psychic and/or diabetes disease
among the members. It has been suggested that above illnesses of the
family members occur more frequently compared to control group and this
finding can speak for the participation of s constitutional (genetic?)
factor in the development of this type of intolerance among the members
of the family of affected children.
TI- The contribution of some environmental factors to the development of
cow's milk and gluten intolerance in children.
AU- Kaczmarski M; Kurzatkowska B
CS- Department of Children's Infectious Diseases of the Medical Academy in
Bialystok, Poland.
JN- Rocz Akad Med Bialymst; 33-34 p151-65
PY- 89 1988
AB- The analysis performed by the authors includes correlation between
certain environmental factors i.e. the kind of food (natural, mixed,
artificial), the role of infection and therapy applied (including
antibiotic therapy), living conditions (residence place, the age of
parents, number of siblings) and the body birth weight and the
established food intolerance in children. The patients were
hospitalized at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases of Children during
1978-1982. There were 45 children aged from 5 months to 5 years with
gluten intolerance and 50 children aged from 2 months to 5 years with
cow's milk intolerance. A close correlation between feeding and the
development of food intolerance was stated. There had been found that
92% of children were given mixed cow milk already at the 2nd month of
life and 46.6% were fed with this protein between the 2nd to the 3rd
month of life. The former had cow milk allergy while the latter gluten
intolerance. Due to longlasting diarrhea multiple antibiotic therapy
was applied in the total group studied. Stool samples taken from the
both groups revealed salmonella in 15.5% to 18.0%. Apart from this type
of infection agent chemotherapy due to viral, parasitic and parenteral
infections was used, too. The above presented findings confirmed
significant role of the factors mentioned in the development and
further progress of milk or gluten intolerance in the patients.
TI- Associated factors of protracted diarrhea.
AU- Khoshoo V; Bhan MK
CS- Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi.
JN- Indian Pediatr; 27 (6) p559-69
PY- Jun 1990
AB- The associated factors in 80 children (less than 2 yrs) with protracted
diarrhea (greater than 21 days duration) and weight loss were:
secondary carbohydrate intolerance (36): enteric pathogens (non
typhoidal salmonella (11), enteropathogenic E. coli 'EPEC' (6), giardia
(4), and shigella (3); cow's milk protein intolerance (3), gluten
intolerance (3); miscellaneous (5); and undiagnosed enteropathy (9).
Three of the EPEC showed localised pattern of adherence in vitro with
HEP-2 cells. Most patients with salmonella and EPEC had severe
secretory diarrhea with large fecal sodium losses. All 6 patients who
died had secretory diarrhea and very high fecal sodium. All but 4
patients could be effectively managed with a chicken
puree-glucose-coconut oil based diet.
TI- [The provocation test in children with cow-milk protein and gluten
intolerance: evaluation of the clinical response and lesions in the
mucous membrane of the small intestine]
TI- <Original> Proba prowokacyjna u dzieci z nietolerancja biaLek mleka
krowiego i glutenu: ocena reakcji klinicznych i zmian w bLonie sluzowej
jelita cienkiego.
AU- Kaczmarski M
CS- Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych Dzieci AM w BiaLymstoku.
JN- Pol Tyg Lek; 45 (8-9) p161-5
PY- Feb 19-26 1990
AB- Provocation test (re-introduction of the noxious protein) was carried
out in two groups of patients: (a) with intolerance to the cow-milk
proteins (41 children) treated with milk-free diet for 6-24 months, and
(b) with gluten intolerance (26 children) treated with gluten-free diet
for 6-36 months. The following parameters were compared: type and
frequency of the clinical symptoms seen in these patients prior to the
introduction of allergen-free diet. Moreover, the type of observed
morphological changes in the small intestine mucosa following
provocation test were analysed in the groups of 7 patients. A two-year
elimination of milk from the diet produces milk tolerance in about 61%
patients; clinical symptoms in the remaining children are diversified.
Re-introduction of gluten with the diet (provocation test) produces
recurrence of gluten intolerance in 96% of children treated with
gluten-free diet for 2-3 years. Recurrence of the disease was
accompanied by the atrophy of the intestinal villi.
TI- [Clinical aspects of cow milk protein and gluten intolerance in
TI- <Original> Klinika nietolerancji biaLek mleka krowiego i glutenu u
AU- Kaczmarski M
JN- Pol Tyg Lek; 44 (4) p86-8
PY- Jan 23 1989
AB- In two comparative groups of 50 children with cow milk proteins and 45
children with gluten intolerance retrospective analysis of initial
symptoms was carried out. The initial symptoms of intolerance included:
vomiting, loss of appetite, recurrent diarrhoea, and weight gain
disorders. These symptoms closely correlated with the type of nutrition
(mixed, artificial) and the duration of exposition to harmful component
of the food. The symptoms appeared within first days after birth with
peak intensity in 6-8 weeks of life in the group with cow milk proteins
intolerance. The symptoms of intolerance were most frequent in children
of group II in 7-12 months of life. To prevent food intolerance in
Polish children, it is recommended to feed them naturally as long as
possible and to introduce flour and 4 basic grains late (after the 6th
months of life).
TI- Lymphoblastic stimulation test with food proteins in digestive
intolerance to cow's milk and in infant diarrheas.
AU- Baudon JJ; Mougenot JF; Didry JR
CS- Unite de Gastroenterologie Pediatrique, Hopital Trousseau, Paris,
JN- J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr; 6 (2) p244-51
PY- Mar-Apr 1987
AB- The lymphoblastic stimulation test (LST) with cow's milk proteins was
performed in 114 infants. In 42 infants, digestive intolerance to cow's
milk proteins (CMI) was suspected; withdrawal-rechallenge test
confirmed intolerance in 34, and disproved it in the other eight
patients. Of the other patients, 17 had acute gastroenteritis, 11 had
postgastroenteritis subacute diarrhea, 12 had gluten intolerance, 14
had intractable diarrhea, and 18 had no digestive disorders. Of the 34
infants with CMI, 27 (79%) had a positive LST to one or more cow's milk
proteins. Of the 34 positive LST patients, 12 also had soya
intolerance; nine of these 12 infants (75%) had positive LST to soya.
Of the eight infants who had a negative cow's milk rechallenge test,
five (62%) had a positive LST. In the other groups, results were also
positive in 12-27% of those having diarrhea of infectious origin or
gluten intolerance, and in none of the infants without digestive
disorders. Of the 14 cases of severe intractable diarrhea, 12 (86%)
were also LST-positive, but CMI could not be excluded. LST was
positive, particularly in diarrheas of neonatal origin. Lymphoblastic
stimulation was induced more frequently by casein than by beta
lactoglobulin, and least frequently by alpha lactalbumin. In
conclusion, LST is frequently positive in CMI, but is not sufficiently
specific to be a reliable diagnostic examination.
TI- [Disaccharidase activity as a diagnostic criterion for the mucosa of
the small intestine]
TI- <Original> Disaccharidasen-Aktivitaten als Beurteilungskriterium der
AU- Stern M; Plettner C
JN- Monatsschr Kinderheilkd; 131 (5) p264-8
PY- May 1983
AB- Activities of lactase, sucrase, and maltase were determined in small
intestinal biopsies of 125 children with coeliac disease, cow's milk
protein intolerance, transient gluten intolerance, nonspecific
enteropathies, and controls. Four cases of primary disaccharidase
deficiencies could be identified. In the enteropathies, morphometric
data were more closely correlated to the degree of the mucosal lesion
(r = -0.92 for crypt depth) than were disaccharidase activities (r =
0.61 for lactase). In a stepwise discriminant analysis of the patient
groups, based upon immunological, morphometric, and biochemical
variables, lactase activity was a valuable secondary criterion, ranking
third among the variables used.
TI- Histological studies of small-intestinal biopsies from infants with low
rate of weight gain.
AU- Fallstrom SP; Kristiansson B; Ryd W
JN- Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand [A]; 89 (6) p431-8
PY- Nov 1981
AB- Eighty-one children aged 4-18 months with unsatisfactory weight gain
were investigated for organic diseases; the investigation included
small-intestinal biopsy. Sixteen had total villous atrophy, in most
cases due to gluten intolerance. Transient disease, e.g. cow's milk
protein intolerance, was probable in 7 children with subtotal atrophy.
In 18 children the only abnormal finding was an increased number of
inflammatory cells in the mucosa, a finding which was probably of no
clinical significance. Planimetric measurement showed good agreement
between the mucosal surface/volume ratio and an ordinary histological
grouping of the mucosa. A significant correlation was found between the
rate of weight gain during the period preceding investigation and
mucosal surface/volume ratio.